Austin Geological Society

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Urban Flooding and Slope Stability in Austin, Texas

AGS 001

Urban Flooding and Slope Stability in Austin, Texas. V. R. Baker, L. E. Garner, L. J. Turk, and Keith Young, Field Trip Leaders. 31 p., 1973. Print

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AGS 001. Urban Flooding and Slope Stability in Austin, Texas. V. R. Baker, L. E. Garner, L. J. Turk, and Keith Young, Field Trip Leaders. 31 p., 1973.

About This Product
This field trip, oriented toward flooding and floods of the past, encompasses 19 stops in the metropolitan Austin area, with emphasis on Shoal Creek and the strata surrounding it. Stops include Northwest Park, Wooten Park, and Barton Springs.

Keywords: fieldtrips, flooding, floods, urban geology, guidebooks,hydrology, slopes, Austin area, Texas

Baker, V. R., Garner, L. E., Turk, L. J., and Young, Keith, trip leaders, 1973, Urban Flooding and Slope Stability in Austin, Texas: Austin Geological Society, AGS Guidebook 001, 31 p.

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