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Spatial Statistics of Permeability Data...West Texas and New Mexico... Digital Download


Spatial Statistics of Permeability Data from Carbonate Outcrops of West Texas and New Mexico: Implications for Improved Reservoir Modeling, by J. W. Jennings Jr. 50 p., 31 figs., 9 tables, 2 appendices, 2000. Digital Version.

For a print version: RI0258.

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RI0258D. Spatial Statistics of Permeability Data from Carbonate Outcrops of West Texas and New Mexico: Implications for Improved Reservoir Modeling, by J. W. Jennings Jr. 50 p., 31 figs., 9 tables, 2 appendices, 2000. Downloadable PDF.

To purchase this publication in book format, please order RI0258.


This report presents a statistical analysis of outcrop-permeability data for quantifying spatial patterns of petrophysical heterogeneity in carbonates that are difficult or impossible to observe in the subsurface.

In the study, workers made permeability measurements using plug samples and mechanical field permeameters (MFP) from Permian and Cretaceous shallow-water platform carbonate outcrops in West Texas and New Mexico. The report includes a detailed discussion of factors affecting the accuracy of the measurements and the portability of resulting spatial statistics to subsurface studies.

The permeability data from these carbonate outcrops vary by two to five orders of magnitude, much of the variation occurring within distances of a few feet or less in single rock-fabric units. This short-range variability, present in every outcrop, composes most of the overall variance in each case. It has weak spatial correlation that can be modeled by using semivariograms having asymptotic power-law behavior at small lags.

A variety of longer range features were also observed, including (1) vertical trends within grainstone bodies, (2) vertical average permeability contrasts between grainstone bodies, (3) 140- to 180-ft lateral periodicities within high-frequency cycles, and (4) lateral trends at scales ranging from several hundred t
o several thousand feet in high-frequency cycles. The longer range features, composing a smaller fraction of the overall variability, may require careful analysis to detect. They can, however, have a significant effect on fluid displacement, and special attention should be given to modeling them in reservoir-performance predictions.

carbonates, geostatistics, permeability


            Organization of the Report


             Contributing Outcrop Studies

             Measurement Types and Methods

             Statistical Analysis Methods


 Permeability Measurement Methods

             Effects of Measurement Errors on Spatial Statistics

             Hassler-Sleeve Permeability Measurements

                         Hassler-Sleeve-Measurement Accuracy

                         Plug-Size Effects

             MFP Permeability Measurements

                         MFP-Measurement Accuracy

                         MFP Surface Preparation

                         MFP Data Averaging

             Hassler Sleeve and MFP Comparison in a Carbonate Outcrop

                         Basic Statistical and Digital Filtering Comparison

                         Semivariogram Comparison

             Hassler Sleeve and MFP Pros and Cons

 Outcrop Exposure and Surface Weathering Effects

 Lawyer Canyon Ramp-Crest Window

             General Observations

             Semivariogram Observations

                         Horizontal Semivariograms

                         Vertical Semivariograms

                         Horizontal to Vertical Semivariogram Range Anisotropy

             Semivariogram Models

 Lawyer Canyon Outer-Ramp Window

 Plowman Ridge and West Dog Canyon

 Apache Canyon

 Painted Canyon


             Permeability Heterogeneity Patterns

                         Small-Scale spatial correlation

                         Longer Range Variability

             Implications for Fluid-Flow Modeling and Scaleup

 Summary and Conclusions

             Permeability Heterogeneity Patterns

             Outcrop-Permeability Measurement

             Exposure Effects and Portability to the Subsurface



 Appendix A: Digital Transect Filters

 Appendix B: Monte Carlo Test for Semivariograrn Oscillations






 1. Locations of Permian outcrops having petrophysical data used in this study. Guadalupian paleogeography of West Texas and New Mexico and major Permian shallow-water platform carbonate reservoirs, including those for which outcrops are analogs

 2. Location of Painted Canyon outcrop and Cretaceous paleogeography of Texas and northern Mexico

 3. Illustration of stable semivariogram model for exponents in the range 0 p 2 on Cartesian and double logarithmic coordinates

 4. Two-dimensional random fields simulated by using the stable semivariogram model withexponents in the range 0p  2 and a 5:1 anisotropy ratio illustrating the link between the power-law exponent and the strength of spatial correlation

5. Vertical semivariograms of permeability in the cycle-1 grainstone at the Lawyer Canyon ramp-crest window, illustrating the effect of data averaging in groups of as many as eight individual MFP measurements located within 1-inch2 "pads"

 6. Cross plot and histograms of Hassler-sleeve and MFP permeabilities from a vertical transect of plug samples in the Lawyer Canyon outer-ramp window

 7. Hassler-sleeve and MFP permeabilities from a vertical transect of plug samples in the Lawyer Canyon outer-ramp window

 8. Semivariograms of unfiltered Hassler-sleeve and MFP permeabilities from the upper 60 ft of a vertical transect of plug samples in the Lawyer Canyon outer-ramp window on Cartesian and logarithmic coordinates

 9. Semivariograms of unfiltered Hassler-sleeve and MFP permeabilities from the lower 150 ft of a vertical transect of plug samples in the Lawyer Canyon outer-ramp window on Cartesian and logarithmic coordinates

 10. Bedding diagrams and petrophysical measurement locations for the Lawyer Canyon ramp-crest window

 11. Lawyer Canyon ramp-crest horizontal MFP transects, raw measurements, and transects smoothed by means of the digital filter described in appendix A

 12. Lawyer Canyon rarnp-crest vertical MFP transects in cycles 7 through 9, data from grain- dominated rock fabrics, and transects smoothed by means of the digital filter described in appendix A

 13. Lawyer Canyon ramp-crest vertical MFP transects in cycle 2, raw measurements, and transects smoothed by means of the digital filter described in appendix A

 14. Lawyer Canyon ramp-crest cycle-2 permeability statistics by grainstone bed number

 15. Lawyer Canyon ramp-crest permeability measurements in the cycle-1 grainstone vertical transects, geometric averages grouped by depth, and 95-percent confidence intervals on the geometric averages

 16. Horizontal semivariograms of permeability in the Lawyer Canyon ramp-crest window, Cartesian coordinates, logarithmic coordinates, estimated semivariograms, and models

 17. Horizontal semivariograms of permeability in the Lawyer Canyon ramp-crest window, emphasizing fine-scale structure

 18. Vertical semivariograms of permeability in grain-dominated rock fabrics of the Lawyer Canyon ramp-crest window, Cartesian and logarithmic coordinates

 19. Comparison of horizontal and vertical semivariograms from the 1-inch and 1-ft grids in the Lawyer Canyon ramp-crest cycle-1 grainstone

 20. Comparison of horizontal and vertical semivariograms from transect H1 and 31 vertical transects in the Lawyer Canyon ramp-crest cycle-1 grainstone

 21. Lawyer Canyon outer-ramp horizontal-plug transects, raw measurements, and transects smoothed by means of the digital filter described in appendix A

 22. Lawyer Canyon outer-ramp horizontal-permeability semivariograms Cartesian and logarithmic coordinates

 23. Plowman Ridge and West Dog Canyon horizontal-permeability transects, raw measurements, and filtered transects

 24. Plowman Ridge and West Dog Canyon horizontal-permeability semivariograms, Cartesian coordinates

 25. Plowman Ridge and West Dog Canyon horizontal-permeability semivariograms, logarithmic coordinates

 26. Apache Canyon horizontal-permeability' transect, raw measurements, and smoothed transects, making use of all the plugs, only the unfractured and nonvuggy plugs, and the digital filter described in appendix A

 27. Apache Canyon horizontal-permeability semivariogram, Cartesian coordinates, logarithmic coordinates, estimated semivariogram, and smoothed semivariogram

 28. Painted Canyon horizontal-permeability transect, raw measurements, and transects smoothed by means of the digital filter described in appendix A

 29. Painted Canyon horizontal-permeability semivariograrn, Cartesian coordinates, and logarithmic coordinates

 30. Unconditional, stochastic, vertical cross-section simulations of permeability in the cycle-1 grainstone at the Lawyer Canyon ramp-crest window, with the small-scale variability alone and with a vertical trend component in addition

 31. Unconditional, stochastic, 2-D areal simulations of permeability in the cycle-1 grainstone at the Lawyer Canyon ramp-crest window with small-scale variability, an isotropic 140-ft periodicity, and both structures combined



1. Carbonate outcrops in West Texas and New Mexico whose petrophysical data are summarized in this report
2. Petrophysical data compiled in this study from carbonate outcrops in West Texas and New Mexico
3. Plug lengths and data-set sizes for significance tests of plug-size effects on porosity and permeability means and variances
4. Plug-depth categories and data-set sizes for significance tests of plug-depth effects on porosity and permeability means and variances: plug-depth A is nearest the outcrop surface; plug-depth D is farthest behind the outcrop surface
5. Comparison of porosity and permeability statistics from the Lawyer Canyon outcrop and wells 1,000 ft behind the outcrop
6. Comparison of MFP statistics from the grainstone portion of selected Lawyer Canyon ramp-crest transects and grids
7. Porosity and permeability statistics from Lawyer Canyon outer-ramp plug transects
8. Comparison of porosity and permeability statistics from horizontal-plug transects at Plowman Ridge and West Dog Canyon
9. Comparison of porosity and permeability statistics from a horizontal plug transect at Apache Canyon

Jennings, J. W., Jr., 2000, Spatial Statistics of Permeability Data from Carbonate Outcrops of West Texas and New Mexico: Implications for Improved Reservoir Modeling: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Report of Investigations No. 258, 50 p.

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